Transactions on Computational Social Systems - IEEE SMC (2025)


IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems focuses on such topics as modeling, simulation, analysis and understanding of social systems from the quantitative and/or computational perspective. “Systems” include man-man, man-machine and machine-machine organizations and adversarial situations as well as social media structures and their dynamics. More specifically, the proposed transactions publishes articles on modeling the dynamics of social systems, methodologies for incorporating and representing socio-cultural and behavioral aspects in computational modeling, analysis of social system behavior and structure, and paradigms for social systems modeling and simulation. The journal also features articles on social network dynamics, social intelligence and cognition, social systems design and architectures, socio-cultural modeling and representation, and computational behavior modeling, and their applications.

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Knowledge-Infused Learning for Computational Social Systems

Over the last decades, research on computational social systems has gained much more attention, with thousands of researchers and practitioners leveraging diverse research findings and experimental models to enrich this domain. Thanks to the digital age, which has made the computational social system a reality. However, the integration of this technology in our daily lives leads to the generation of enormous amounts of data. The scale of this data is vast, and it presents unprecedented opportunities to examine complex social behaviours, ranging from the proliferation of infectious disease to socio-economic disparity. Probably these instances were further enhanced with the associated research findings.

Guest Editors

Dr. Tu Nguyen (Lead Guest Editors)
Kennesaw State University, USA.
Email: [emailprotected]

Dr. Vincenzo Piuri
University of Milan, Italy
Email: [emailprotected]

Dr. Joel Rodrigues
Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Teresina – PI, Brazil
Email: [emailprotected]

Dr. Lianyong Qi
Qufu Normal University, China.
Email: [emailprotected]

Dr. Shahid Mumtaz
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
Email: [emailprotected]

Dr. Warren Huang-Chen Lee
National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
Email: [emailprotected]

Learn more and submit your paper today.

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    • “This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.”

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Transactions on Computational Social Systems - IEEE SMC (1)

Bin Hu


Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Wearable Computing

School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University

Lanzhou, China

Email: [emailprotected]


Peer Review

The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual. Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Editorial Board Members

  • HUSSEIN ABBASS, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
  • MOUSA AL-KFAIRY, Zayed Univ., UAE
  • SAMBIT BAKSHI, Nat. Inst. of Tech. Rourkela, India
  • KRISHAN BERWAL, Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, India
  • DANIEL BILAR, Norwich Univ., United States
  • HANSHU CAI, Lanzhou Univ., China
  • WEI CAI, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, China
  • ZHIPENG CAI, Georgia State Univ., United States
  • GABRIELLA CASALINO, Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
  • XUEQI CHENG, Chinese Academy of Sci., China
  • ZHIYONG CHENG, ZhongJuYuan Intelligent Tech. Co., Ltd., China
  • PETER CHIN, Boston University, United States
  • CARMELA COMITO, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy
  • GEORGE CYBENKO, Dartmouth College, United States
  • DEBASMIT DAS, QUALCOMM Inc., United States
  • YOUCEF DJENOURI, Univ. of South-Eastern, Norway
  • QUNXI DONG, Beijing Inst. of Tech., China
  • WEI DUAN, National Univ. of Defense Tech., China
  • MARIA PIA FANTI, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
  • LUOYI FU, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China
  • MARINA L. GAVRILOVA, Univ. of Calgary, Canada
  • HANSU GU, Inc, United States
  • SAQIB HAKAK, Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada
  • RICHANG HONG, Hefei Univ. of Tech., China
  • XIPING HU, Bravolol Limited, China
  • ROY KA-WEI LEE, Singapore Univ. of Tech. and Design, Singapore
  • VICTOR C.M. LEUNG, Univ. of British Colombia, Canada
  • JUANJUAN LI, Beijing Inst. of Tech., China
  • KEN LI, Univ. College London, United Kingdom
  • LINGXI LI, Indiana Univ., United States
  • MI LI, Beijing Univ. of Tech. China
  • GUANJUN LIU, Tongji Univ. China
  • XIAOFAN LIU, City Univ. of Hong Kong, China
  • YU LIU, South China Univ. of Tech., China
  • ZHE LIU, Zhejiang Lab, China
  • ZHIHAN LV, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
  • KENJI MORITA, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
  • NURIA OLIVER, Vodafone, United Kingdom
  • VIR PHOHA, Syracuse Univ., United States
  • RUI QIN, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • IMRAN RAZZAK, Deakin Univ., Australia
  • RAJA. S.P., VelTech Univ., India
  • SRIPARNA SAHA, Indian Inst. of Tech. Patna, India
  • KAIZE SHI, Univ. of Tech. Sydney, Australia
  • AMIT KUMAR SINGH, Nat. Inst. of Tech. Patna, India
  • DAWEI SONG, The Open Univ. (OU), United Kingdom
  • GAUTAM SRIVASTAVA, Brandon Univ., Canada
  • YING TANG, Rowan Univ., United States
  • ZHE WAN, National Development and Reform Commission, China
  • FEI-YUE WANG, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • SHIQIANG WANG, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, United States
  • TAO WANG, National Univ. of Defense Tech., China
  • XIAO WANG, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, China
  • KEVIN XU, Univ. Toledo, United States
  • DONGREN YAO, Harvard Medical School, United States
  • PEIJUN YE, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • HUI YU, Univ. of Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • JUN JASON ZHANG, Univ. of Denver, United States
  • LIYING ZHANG, Central Univ. of Finance and Economics, China
  • QINGPENG ZHANG, Univ. of Hong Kong, China
  • SUNSHINE ZHANG, Duke Kunshan Univ., China
  • TONG ZHANG, South China Univ. of Tech., China
  • MIN ZHOU, Beijing Jiaotong Univ., China
  • XIAOKANG ZHOU, Kansai Univ., Japan
  • HAIBIN ZHU, Nipissing Univ., Canada
  • JIA ZHU, Zhejiang Normal Univ., China
  • JIANMING ZHU, Univ. of Chinese Academy of Science, China


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Transactions on Computational Social Systems - IEEE SMC (2025)


What is the impact factor of IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Science? ›

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems | 2023 Impact Factor:5 | Cite Score:10 | Q1.

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No OA payment is required for Traditional submission. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be requested to pay a voluntary charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication.

What is a transaction on computational social science? ›

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems focuses on such topics as modeling, simulation, analysis and understanding of social systems from the quantitative and/or computational perspective.

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The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING will publish. articles where computation plays an integral role in the image forma- tion process. Papers will cover all areas of computational imaging.

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The IEEE CS journals with the highest 2021 impact factors include: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)– 24.314. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC) – 13.99. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) – 11.019.

What are computational social systems? ›

Computational social systems are created through the interaction of algorithms and user behaviour: The interactions of users with each other and with the system itself produce data from which algorithms determine results.

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IEEE Access, IEEE's largest fully open access publication, is ranked as the No. 1 journal by Eigenfactor in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications. In fact, IEEE has 9 of the top 10 journals in Electrical Engineering by Eigenfactor Score. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing was ranked as the No.

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IEEE is nonprofit organization. It needs money to pay salaries of the staff of more than 1000 (not sure about this number). Thought many researchers voluntarily work as reviewers, editors, associate editors for free, money is also needed to maintain websites, keep the data and other stuff.

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Benefits. As an IEEE member, you'll be presented with new resources, valuable opportunities, and many discounts that will help you advance your career. You can find colleagues who share your vision and commitment—those who are moving technology forward today.

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The Physical process of computation

Examples of such physical systems are: Turing machines, human mathematicians following strict rules, digital computers, mechanical computers, analog computers and others.

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Computational social science revolutionizes both fundamental legs of the scientific method: empirical research, especially through big data, by analyzing the digital footprint left behind through social online activities; and scientific theory, especially through computer simulation model building through social ...

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computational social science jobs
  • STEM/ Data Analytics Specialist (Part-Time) ...
  • Research Scientist, Computational Social Science (PhD) ...
  • Computational and Data Science Specialist I (4269U) - 71065. ...
  • Postdoctoral Researcher - Computational Biophysics. ...
  • Quantitative Research Scientist. ...
  • Strengthen your profile.

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine –

The Magazine has a broad readership Impact Factor: 3.647.

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According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2021 impact factor of 16.497. IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput.

What is IEEE Access impact factor? ›

IEEE Access has an impact factor of 3.4, an Eigenfactor of 0.35701, a five-year impact factor of 3.7, and an article influence score of 0.698 (per 2023 JCR). IEEE Access is indexed by Inspec, Ei Compendex, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar.

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Impact Factor and Ranking
YearImpact FactorElectrical and Electronics Engineering Rank
20223.7105/275 (Q2)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.