The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


The Rev. Elton. D. Wells will officiate and burial will made in Oak Hill cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel.

Mrs. A. W. Ink Of Near Mount Vernon Is Dead Mrs. A.

W. Ink, 65, died Wednesday at 3:35 p.m. at her home near Mount Vernon, failing to regain consciousness following a stroke suffered June 20. She had been in ill health five years. As Jessie Lois Ringer, she was born Sept.

6, 1872, in Mechanicsville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ringer, pioneer resiin Cedar Rapids number of dents of county, She lived years before her marriage to A.

W. Ink, since which time Mount Vernon had been her home. Mrs. Ink was a member the First Presbyterian church of Mount Vernon, Vernon chapter of O.E.S., the Pythian Sisters, and the Needlecraft club. Prior to failing health, she was active in Farm Bureau work.

Besides her husband, she is survived by four sisters: Mrs. Clara K. Brink, 1812 Grande avenue SE, and Mrs. Lulu Blessing, 215 Fifteenth street NE, both of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Metta R.

Cole, of Washington, D. and Mrs. Hattie Hyatt, Seattle. Funeral services will be held at the Johnson chapel in Mount Vernon Friday at 3 p.m. with burial in the Mount Vernon cemetery.

The Joseph W. Gray, will have charge of the services. Mrs. Grace Welkal. Mrs.

Grace Weikal, 47, of Rockford, a former resident of Cedar Rapids, died Thursday morning at Rockford after a lingering illness. She was born in Cedar Rapids the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nauholtz and taught in the local schools.

She left here more than ten years ago. Surviving are her husband, Lee Weikal, a daughter, Annabel, of Rockford; her mother, Mrs. Annabel Sylvester, Hotchkiss, and a brother, Claude Nauholtz, Los Angeles Calif. The body will be brought Cedar Rapids and services will be held at the grave in Cedar memorial cemetery at 3 p.m. Saturday.

Mervin S. Peet. Mervin Smith Peet of Ely, died at a local hospital at 7:30 a.m. Thursday after a month's illness. He was born July 11, 1916 at Springville, and moved Mrs.

G. with Leslie his Peet, to Ely in 1931. In addition to his parents he is survived by a sister, Phyllis, Cedar. Falls; a grandmother, Mrs. Harry Smith, of Ely, and a grandfather, George N.

Peet, of Springville. He member of the St. John Lutheran church of Ely where services will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in the Springville cemetery. Friends may call at the Brosh funeral home at Solon Friday.

C. R. Hetherington Funeral. Funeral services for Charles R. Hetherington, who died early ment was reported to police Wednesday by Robert Davis, 226 Fifteenth street NE.

He told police that he was away and the doors were unlocked at the time of the theft. Members of the Linn county chapter of the Reserve Officers association and of the Cedar Rapchapter of the National Sojourners will hold a joint meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in the Montrose hotel. A buffet supper, including refreshments and entertainment, will follow the meeting. Admission will be by current membership cards, which may be obtained at the meeting.

Approve Street Oiling. Oiling of Thirteenth street NW from to avenues; Fifth street SE from Twelfth to Sixteenth avenues; Sixteenth avenue SE from Fifth to Tenth streets; and street SE from Fourteenth Sixteenth avenues was approved by the city council Thursday. Another Rubber Check. With the report of Thomas Ryan, manager of the Montrose pharmacy, that he accepted $15 "rubber" check on the Cedar Construction Sunday, police have established? Negro who defrauded two other more detailed are description of a pharmacies in the same manner. Joe Browning In Circus Band.

Joe Browning, Cedar Rapids musician, is playing first cornet for the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus band which will appear here Friday. Browning winters in Cedar Rapids. has appeared with Elmer Young's, Peggy Fuller's and Ralph Hartwig's orchestra's as well as the Cedar Rapids symphony orchestra. He is a member of the Hanford post of the American Legion drum corps. Former Local Woman Hurt.

Mrs. Adra Cardoni, 39, former resident of Cedar Rapids who lives in Hammond, was severely injured June 25 in Gary, when she was hit-and-run driver's struchmobile as she was about to board a street car. Her condition at San Antonio hospital in Gary was reported fair. She is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Maude Owen, 107 A avenue NE.

Lions "Opportunity Day." With Art Shepherd as toastmaster, members of the Lions club observed "opportunity day" at their luncheon at the Roosevelt hotel Thursday noon. Many of those present were asked to speak briefly, filling in the program on which Dr. Hubert Gerstman, interne at Mercy hospital and formerly a practicing physician in Vienna, was unable to appear. More Give To Chinese Relief. Four contributions have been received for the Chinese Civilian Relief fund at local Red: Cross headquarters since June 25.

Mrs. Metta A. Burd, excutive secretary of the Linn county chapter, Thursday. Contributors were Unity Center, St. Wenceslaus church, Trinity Methodist Episcopal church and the Optimist club.

The fund is still $275 short of the quota set for Linn county, Mrs. Burd said. DEATHS W. H. Fieseler, Former Hardware Dealer, Long Resident Of City, Dies William H.

Fieseler, retired ha hardware merchant, died at his home, 1114. avenue SW, at 5:50 a.m. Thursday following a prolonged illness. Born Sept. 19, 1849, in Wilkes Barre, he came to Cedar had Rapids resided sixtyyears ago and here since that time.

For fifty years he was in the hardware business here, but retired 1915. On July 15, 1874, at Marion, he was married to Anna Kramel, who survives him, In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mary Mason and Mrs. Anna Scherrebeck; four sons, William, George and Fieseler, all of Cedar Rapids, and Joseph of Des Moines, and thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. In former years for recreation, he loved fishing and hunting but in later years, he had spent his time among his flowers.

Funeral services will be held in the Turner chapel at 2 p.m. Fri- Wednesday, will be held in be Beatty chapel at 2 p.m. The Rev. W. Greer McCrory officiate and burial will be in wood cemetery.

COURT HOUSE NEWS Ask Dismissal Of Suit For Linn Fair Stock A defense motion to dismiss an action filed by stockholders of the old Wapsie Valley Fair association to require delivery of stock shares in the Linn County Fair, successor to the, Central City fair interests, was filed in district court Thursday. Defendants are described as officers of the Linn County Fair, Inc. The plaintiffs aver that under a settlement decree in litigation last July 13, each of the Wapsie Valley stockholders was to receive one share of Linn County Fair, stock. They assert they have not received the stock shares and were denied participation in last October's annual meeting of the Linn County Fair, Inc. They ask delivery shares for a new election of officers and directors.

Recently a defendant's notion to strike out the Linn County Fair, as a plaintiff was sustained. Judge Ring later sustained a. special appearance which prevented impleading of the Linn County Fair, as a defendant at the current court term. Gets Writ To Prevent Water, Sewer Hookups in the when he bought real estate at Friday. Johnson avenue, and Twentieth will street NW in 1931.

The plaintiff in Lin- alleges Thompson is. building a house in Twentieth street NW. Judge Ring has set July 19 for any defense showing on the temporary injunction question. Sentenced For Traffic Violation. OUT OUR WAY.


PAT. OFF. THE LONG Everett Thede, 24, of 828 Second avenue fined $25 and costs by Justice W. K. Lothian of Marion Wednesday on a.

charge of violating the state motor vehicle law, was lodged in the county jail Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff Harlan Snyder. The Marion court had provided that Thede serve a seven and one-half day county jail sentence should the fine be unpaid. Haled into court by highway patrolmen last weekend, Thede was Justice Lothian said, of passing other cars in two 700-foot zones and traveling fifty miles an hour in a twenty-five-mile limit zone. To Serve 30 Days. Shaffer, 33, who gave her address as the Eleanor hotel, was given 'a six-months term at Rockwell City woman's reformatory Thursday when she pled guilty before District Judge H.

C. Ring on a statutory charge. She was arrested by police. On state recommendation the court provided for the woman's release after serving thirty days in the county jail. Officials said she is then to absent herself from the county, May Term To Adjourn.

The May term of Linn county's district court will adjourn Saturday at noon, according to an anC. Ring, presiding nouncement Thursday, by Judge judge. A $293.85 note action filed Oct. 18, 1937 by W. A.

Franklin, naming Charles E. Newell as defendant, was dismissed with prejudice plaintiff in district court before Judge C. J. Haas Thursday, Jane S. Fillmore seeks a divorce in district court from Paul D.

Fillmore on cruel and inhuman treatments grounds. The marriage took place at Iowa City June 24, 1936. The plaintiff asks restoration of her name of Jane Scott. A. J.

Geesaman Kenmore- Food Shop Clarence Gloe PHONE 6125. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Pound of Gold Butter Swiss Steak, best cuts, lb. Sawyer's Home Made Cook- Bnis. Pork Loin Roast, lb.

35c les, box 15c Meat for Loaf, 2 lbs. Trix, 2 for 25c; Pot. Chips 18c Rath Bacon Squares, lb. ..200 4B co*cktail, tall can Wilson's Certified Wieners 23c Papaya Juice, can Green Beans, 2 lbs. Monarch Shrimp 19c Celery, bunch 50 4B Peas, tiny, 2 cans Fresh Tomatoes, 3 lbs.

Richelieu Grape Juice, qt. 31c Bing Cherries, lb. 15c Oxydol. 19c; Oakite. 10c Juice Oranges, 2 doz.

380 Bo- Peep Ammonia, qt. 17c Lemons, doz. Butternut Coffee Bananas, 4 Ibs. Wheaties 11c; Post Toasties 10c City Club, case $1.75 Stuffed Olives, short qt. ..490 Blue Ribbon, case $2.25 Crystal White Soda, Strawber- Sweet Pickles, short quart 210 ry, Orange, Lime, 4 btl.

29c lb. Mon. Coffee lb. Hur-Mon Pop, case 820 Mon. 0.

P. Tea, both for Store Open Sunday and Monday--Regular Deliveries Mon. A.M. Order Your Cold Beer, Melons or Beverage for Monday Now FOODS CLOVER FARM STORES MEATS REVOLUTIONARY VALUES AT CLOVER FARM'S GREAT SAL BRATION Declare for Independents! United we stand, the Clover Farm IndepenWATCH dent Enjoy a Merchants, "SAVE" to Fourth serve from you these best. For Your Copy Clover Farm Super Sale values.

"THE FOUR LEAF CLOVER" Remember to buy for 2 DAYS Monday, 4th of July 4 Pages ANNOUNCING GRAND OPENINGS of Food FRIDAY and SATURDAY Values! "BUB'S" SANDE'S CLOVER GROCERY FARM LOCUST, HILLS, IA. IA. WITTICK'S STORE NEVADA, IA. PRUSHA'S CLOVER FARM CHELSEA, IA. "Substitute Mothers" Work Cited At Confab SEATTLE (AP), "Substitute mothers" are now being furnished widowers to care for motherless children and do the other household tasks in 500.

WPA projects throughout the country, the National Conference on Social Work learned Thursday. Mrs. Marion Schmadel Goodwin, assistant executive secretary of the Consultation society, Cincinnati, Ohio, reviewed their work in a paper prepared for the social case work sectional meeting. A new WPA project, "substitute motherhood," was evolved by private social service agencies from the "temporary housekeeper" they brought into the field of SOcial work several years ago, Miss Goodwin said. Women are chosen who have been successful in their own home life and have genuine interest in fitting into the homes of others.

They are given case work training, lectures on health routines, planning and menus, budgeting and organizing household work. Miss Gertrude A. Smith, case worker for the Benjamin Rose institute, Cleveland, Ohio, declared that "the social security act does not offer an ideal or final solution to the problems of the aged." In a paper prepared for delivery at a meeting of the committee on care of the aged, she called attention to the increase, proportionally to other age groups, of the aged, and the simultaneous decrease in the birthrate. "We have fewer young people to care for the older she stated. "Moreover, the average young man of today is not able adequately to support his care for his aged parents for his old age." family, and save Bank Sues Investment Company For $371,437 DAVENPORT (AP)- -The First National bank of Burlington Thursday filed a suit in federal court here against the firm of Winthrop Mitchell company, investment bankers, in the amount of $371,437, with interest at five per cent.

The suit charges the firm acted in bad faith in permitting William C. Kurrle, former assistant cashier of the bank, to purchase stocks on a margin in transactions running into six figures over period of four years at the Davenport branch of the company. Kurrle, who is serving a prison term for embezzlement, had an active account with the firm during the period from Oct. 14, 1933, to Oct. 19, 1937, on which he purchased stocks on a' margin, the petition charges.

Money used in these transactions, the petition sets forth, was embezzled by the bank official by using fraudulent certificates of deposit. The ordinary range. of human hearing is over nine octaves. Don't Keep on Having Constipation! If constipation's got you down -so you feel heavy, tired and dopeyit's time you did something about it. And something more than taking a physic! You should get at the cause of the trouble.

If you eat only the things most people do, the chances are that a very simple fact causes your constipation-you don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean heavy food. It means a kind of food that isn't consumed in the body, but leaves 8 "bulky" mass in the intestines and helps a bowel movement. If this is your trouble, eat crisp crunchy Kellogg's All-Bran for breakfast every day and drink plenty of water. All-Bran is not only rich in "bulk" -it also contains the natural intestinal tonic, vitamin Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Sold by every grocer, Briardale, FOOD STORES Your Friendly Briardale Grocer always brings you better tasting, more healthful foods at competitive Size 2 For Reg.

19c BOX for washing dishes JELLO PKGS. All Flavors FRUITS and Oranges, Sweet and Juicy, dozen 23c Conteloupe, Vine Ripened, Jumbo Ripe Watermelons, Fancy Home- Grown Beets, Carrots, FRESH Buy Quality Meats for Meat for Loaf, 2 Beef Roast, Fancy Cut, lb. 220 Assorted Cold Meats, A Nice Varety, lb. 28c CORN CEREAL! New Crispness! New Food Value! KIX 15c Pkgs. Kick In Breakfast" Super Creamed CRISCO 3-Lb.

-PICNIC SPECIALS Jello Ice Cream Powder, 02 150 Paper Napkins, Plates or Cups, 3 .250 Shurfine Beverages, All Flavors, 3 lge. bottles. .250 Plus Bottle Charge Briardale1 Waxed Food Rolls Junior Size Senior Size GWC Pickles, Sweet or Dill. 10c, 15c, 25c Potato Chips, Ige, box. Soda Crackers, 1-lb.

16c INDRA'S FOOD MARKET 901 Oakland 2-3089 JENSEN BROTHERS 2700-1st Ave. NE. Dial 5169 HENRY JENSEN 1301 St. SW. Dial 2-7741 JERRY KLINSKY NE 2-6356 MEIS -FOOD SHOP 520-16th SE Dial 7557 MILLER'S SELECT FOODS 1005-8rd Ave.

SE. Dial 4190 National Debt Is 700 Millions Above '37 Sum investment in government securUP $2,800 A MINUTE. WASHINGTON (UP) During the 1938 fiscal year the federal government spent money at the rate of approximately $14,600 per minute. Its revenue, on an average basis, came 'in at the rate of about $11,862 every minute. Thus, each minute of the day the federal deficit increased $2,800, WASHINGTON (AP)- The treasury closed books Thursday on its eighth consecutive "red ink" fiscal year, but found it owed less to private investors than it did a year ago.

Although the government spent $1,360,000,000 more than its income, the national debt was only $700,000,000 higher than a year ago because part of the deficit was paid by using idle gold. Meanwhile, the social security and other governmental trust funds poured in $1,048,943,000 for Thus the treasury had about $350,000,000 left with which it retired some of its securities owned by private investors. The treasury now owes about $4,300,000,000 to its own trust funds, $2,562,000,000 to federal reserve banks, and rest the to the public. In the fiscal year starting Friday, however, the treasury will have to return to market to borrow roughly $2,000,000,000. This will be in billion it will automatically borrow from trust funds in order to finance the huge new spendinglending program.

The now is $37.125,000,000 and may rise to $40,000,000,000 in the next year. It averages $287 a person, the highest history for the end of a fiscal year, but was slightly higher early in March before income tax payments and gold down the burden. The record high was $37,814,477,017 on March 12. Receipts during the last 12 months increased one billion over the previous year, and expenditures of slightly more than $7,600,000,000 declined $400,000,000. Thus the 1938 deficit was about half that of the previous year and was the lowest since 1931.

Expenditures next year may reach $8,500,000,000. Receipts, meanwhile, are expected to drop from this year's $6,200,000,000 to about $5,500,000,000 because of the effect of the business recession on income and excise, taxes. The budget sifting over the ap51122000.000.000 propriated by the last congress to determine how much of it will be spent in the next 12 months, but no official statement is expected before July 15. CITY BRIEFS AND PERSONALS Everett Cartwright of the Y. M.C.A.

is spending the weekend in Boone visiting his parents. Townsend club No. 1 will meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the superior court room at the city hall, The Cedar Rapids Fish and Game Restoration club will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Sixteenth avenue SW for a regular business session.

Firemen made a run to the residence of Thomas Johnson, 616 Fifteenth avenue SE, at 12:18 p.m. Thursday to extinguish a chimney fire. Because of the weather, the wiener roast planned by. Cedar Rapids lodge No. 262, for Thursday at the Hartl farm, will be held Thursday evening at the pavilion by the swings in Ellis park.

The meeting of the T. Z. Cook post No. 235, Ladies of the G. A.

which was to have been held Friday, has been postponed for one month. The meeting of Ambar. Grotto auxiliary has been postponed from the first Friday to the second Friday in July and will be held July 8 with a picnic at Ellis park. Several vacancies now exist in the U. S.

navy, messman's branch, open only to Negro men according to E. E. Moon, petty officer in charge of the local recruiting office, located in the federal building. Joe Garman, manager of the Thornwood Amusem*nt park, appeared before the city council Thursday asking permission to extend the hours of dancing from 1 until 2 a.m. on the morning of July 4.

The request was granted. Patrolman Novak Injured. Patrolman Frank Novak, 1910 street SW. suffered an' ankle injury Wednesday afternoon while walking in his home, when his foot turned. X-rays are to be taken to determine the possibility of a fracture.

He is confined to his home. a dresser drawer in his apartDR. JG CRAVEN DENTIST PRACTICE LIMITED TO PLATE WORK 208 FIRST SIOUX CITY AVE. EAST DES MOINES CEDAR RAPIDS MASON CITY Left Door Unlocked. The theft of two $10 bills from Suds SUPER SUDS In The RED SPECIAL! SCOT TISSUE 3 for 25c Scot Towels 2 for 25c Towel Holders Each Scot FOR KITCHEN USE as old Lines Cracker Jack 3 PKGS.

The Delicious Pop Corn Confection NEW READY- TO-EAT New Form! New Flavor! CORN Kix "Puts A New BRITIZE CANS FRENCH'S MUSTARD 6-OZ. JAR frenchs Cream Salad or MUSTARD Hot Dill Briardale Olives, Plain or Stuffed. 10c, 15c, Shurfine Root Beer (Finest Root Beer Made) 6-12-oz. bottles Grapefruit, Lemon or Pineapple Juice, 2 19c GWC Pork and Beans, 3 large cans. Extra Fancy Longhorn Cheese, 23c CENTRAL PARK GROCERY 1600 Ave.

NE. Dial 7579 COLLEGE GROCERY 111-13th St. SE. Dial 2-3569 EATON'S FOOD MARKET 1507-1st Ave. SE.

Dial 4157. GORDON GROCERY Marion, Is. Phone 160 HIGHLAND GROCERY 216-13th St. NW. Dial 2-3756 NOLA FLAMES FLAKES NOLA SOAP Large 21c Save Your Hands COFFEE J.

R. Estes obtained a temporary injunction from District Judge H. C. Ring Wednesday afternoon to restrain J. W.

Thompson from making any connection with a water line or sewer line, which Estes describes as his private property, in Twentieth street NW. Estes posted $300 injunction bond and asks that the order be made permanent. Estes avers he procured the sewer and water lines connecting with city mains, in Johnson avenue NW Briardale Vacuum Pack, lb. GWC, lb. .230 Tall Corn, lb.

Fresh Roasted--Store Ground VEGETABLES Bing Cherries, Fancy, Lemons, Large, Juicy, 33c Tomatoes, Fancy Red, 2 lbs. 15c Cucumbers, each 5c Celery, bunch and 10c Peas, Green Beans, Cabbage MEATS Your July Fourth Picnic Home Made Weiniers, Home Made Bologna, .230 Wilson's Tasty Meats, lb. 35c FANCY SPRING CHICKENS Fresh Dressed NOLA SOAP BAR You'll Enjoy the Soft Creamy Lather 5 TALL PEANUT CORN BUTTER FULL QUART JAR SALADA TEA Japan Green 31c Brown Label (Black) 37e GWC Salad Dressing or Sandwich Spread, full quart. Briardale Marshmallows. Soft and Fluffy, 1-lb.

bag 14c Giggle Ade Punch, Make those cooling drinks. All flavors. One 8-oz. botthe makes 4 gallons. 8-ounce bottle.

10c MINECK BROS. 819-3rd SW. 2-2141 TROYAK 827-5th 54, Dial 5177 VAVRA BROS." 103-16th Ave. LINE 4188 WHITE GROCERY LINE GROC. Dial NO.

2-2831 2 "WHITE 1106-15th Ave. SW. ZACHAR BROS. 1028-12th Ave. SE Dial 7173.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.